Why is spotify free so bad
Why is spotify free so bad

This makes it possible to see if there are any irregularities in streaming locations. 1,000 to 5,000 monthly listeners is ideal). This is best grasped when an artist doesn’t have too many monthly listeners (i.e. When you look at the top 5 playlists, it can give you a good idea of which playlists are producing the best results and where exactly those plays for artists are coming from. This can only be seen on the Spotify desktop app. One method of authenticity we talk about in our videos is researching the top 5 playlists an artist appeared on over the past month in their ‘discovered on’ section. In fact, many playlisters with botted lists will pack their lists full of popular artists because it makes it harder to tell if the playlist is authentic. While major artists do get the lion's share of placements on larger Spotify playlists, that does not mean they’re exempt from placements on botted lists.

why is spotify free so bad

One thing many artists pointed out is this seemed to disproportionately affect indie artists as opposed to majors.

why is spotify free so bad

Oftentimes, artists would use our music promotion service after discovering a previous service they were using was not authentic based on the guidelines we present in our videos. We’ve made several very in-depth videos & articles about how to spot these fake services and playlists to avoid getting any inauthentic activity on your Spotify profile. Often these bots are purchased through fake promotion companies selling streams to artists at a very low price. What they’re referring to is artists, labels, and promoters trying to boost their streaming numbers through bots or streams that don’t come from real people. Spotify has had issues with artificial streaming for some years now. Many writing on this will not be focusing on that word, but it’s imperative. In their responses to disgruntled artists on Twitter they stated, “This may be a result of our efforts to protect against artificial streaming - and is not related to what distributor you use.” Spotify claimed this was an attempt to fight artificial streaming numbers. According to Distrokid, they did this without warning any music distributors or artists about their actions.

why is spotify free so bad

Spotify recently removed over 750,000 songs from their platform in early 2021.

Why is spotify free so bad